Cyber security continues to evolve. For businesses that are highly data centric, few things are more important to IT teams in charge of keeping data available, keeping it corrupt-free, and safe from prying eyes.
Everyone wants to avoid risks concerning data, but if your company has customer information on your servers, a data breach can result in a loss of trust with your prized customers and big fines that add insult to injury. What can you do to keep the cyber criminals out of your data?
Data Thieves Don’t Discriminate
Despite the daily breaches that hit small businesses, there is still a myth regarding whom cyber criminals aim at when they launch an attack; it’s not limited to government agencies and huge corporations. And while these entities are mentioned in all the headlines, the reality is that small businesses also get hit hard by cyber criminals.
In a Verizon study published in 2019, 43% of breaches were small businesses, representing four times the amount of breaches incurred by financial entities. The majority of the attacks came from hackings, but 15 out of every 100 breaches is a result of misuse by individuals who are authorized.
Network security should be a high priority, and you can take matters into your hands by looking at secure access service edge (SASE), which is a cloud-based software that can merge everything into a secured network. For IT personnel who have used a variety of security tools as an arsenal to manage threat risks, SASE offers a much more compact and easily manageable solution.
Educate the Authorized Personnel
Don’t be that 15% of companies that allow authorized users to mistakenly give cyber criminals access. By educating personnel about threats, particularly phishing scams in emails, they will know when something is suspicious and red flag it. Most importantly, they’ll know to never click on a link in an email from anyone from outside the company.
Multi-Factor Protection
If you’ve got your password hygiene locked down and still feel at risk, you are. Password hygiene is extremely important, but to be completely sure the cyber criminals won’t get into your network via a password, use multi-factor authentication. This makes it virtually impossible to gain access via password.
Firewall Security
Despite being a seemingly no-brainer as a first layer of protection, some organizations fail to turn on their firewalls. Others are guilty of failing to update their firewall, which means they’re vulnerable to attack.
At Cloud Source, we’ve got extensive experience with the latest ways in which cyber security can be updated, upgraded, and implemented to keep your data safe. For more information about our customized approach with every one of our clients, contact us today.