Remote work offers increased flexibility and reduces some overhead costs for enterprises, but it comes with some challenges, including communication gaps, new potential security vulnerabilities, and delayed IT support. Many enterprises are utilizing desktop as a service (DaaS) to support the remote workforce through a third-party provider.
DaaS offers the following five benefits to enterprise employees:
Accessibility: With a traditional desktop, the user must be physically present at the computer to access information; however, with a DaaS solution, a cloud-hosted virtual desktop can be accessed anywhere at any time. The virtual desktop is housed in a remote cloud server that can be utilized through any connected device. In addition, quality providers ensure 24/7 availability so that your desktop is always accessible.
IT Relief: Not only does the managed services provider handle all the management and troubleshooting of the solution, but they also have provisions according to the fluctuating needs of the organization. You can scale users, random access memory (RAM), and storage up and down as necessary.
Improved Security: Your business data is under constant threat, and this threat is only increased by the vulnerabilities introduced with a remote workforce. A reliable DaaS provider offers enhanced security features to protect your data, including encryption, ransomware protection, multi-factor authorization and authentication, patching, antivirus solutions, and network monitoring. A good cloud service provider will also offer regular backups in addition to disaster recovery solutions that store files at geographically dispersed data centers.
Cost-Efficiency: Transitioning to a remote workforce can be costly, requiring the installation of individual systems, plus WiFi routers and software upgrades, plus the IT resources to troubleshoot any problems. DaaS removes the need for hardware investments, and the managed services team takes the pressure off enterprise IT. DaaS can be accessed on any connected device, so the enterprise does not need to make any significant hardware purchases to transition to remote work.
DaaS also enables enterprises to hire the best talent, regardless of geographical location, while reducing the cost associated with a new hire.
Better Collaboration: Remote teams are particularly challenged when it comes to collaborating on a project or attempting to finalize decisions in a timely manner. Sending emails back and forth can introduce confusion into the process, and each time a change is made to an attached file, it risks being lost in the email chain. With a DaaS solution, employees are able to work together in a shared platform. Team members can access and edit files in real time.
Supporting the remote workforce with DaaS also reduces the need for in-person meetings, as well as eliminating the associated travel costs. Teams are able to collaborate more with fewer resources invested.
To explore the possibilities of DaaS to equip your remote workforce, contact us at Cloud Source. You’ll need a guide along the way as you consider the needs of your organization and identify the best DaaS solutions available.